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About Windows XP mode

August 5, 2009

Back in Windows XP, you could run software in Windows 2000 mode but I tried to install Virtual PC 2004 on a Windows XP Home Edition PC in Windows 2000 mode and it found that I was running Windows XP Home. I found that Windows XP feature was not the best.

In Windows 7, you will have Windows XP mode, for Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions only and you need a CPU with Intel VT or AMD VTM. My next PC build may have Windows 7 and a Intel E7600 CPU with Intel VT so I can use it if I will build.

Windows XP mode can be downloaded free online (I’m not sure about the RTM) right at the time I published this.
Update on Aug 31, 2009: The E7600 will not be used. The E8400 will be used.
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