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How I discovered Windows 7

October 22, 2009

I heard about Windows Vista in end 2005-early 2006 and started trying it on a computer I built in June 2006. I started using it on June 2007, six months after the release. In Q4 2007, I started learning about Windows 7 and I only knew some features.

Later in January 2008, I saw the first screenshot. The first screenshot was a lot like Windows Vista. They just disabled the super bar in the milestone releases unlike the Beta/RC and the RTM Release which was released today. Later, I lost some interest in computers for a few months, and forgot somewhat about Windows 7.

In 2009, I got some interest and requested for Windows 7. I never got the Beta but downloaded the RC. I saw neat features so I wanted to never use Windows Vista again that will get useful. I will use a Windows Vista system with the Windows 7 Upgrade for six months, and then the system will become a server (It will really be this year and I will start a blog for electronics hobbyists but I will use it as my primary PC untill I build one) and I will build a new PC and write a book on how to do it.

You can get Windows 7 in 7 flavors. 4 Upgrades and 3 Fresh-Installs.

  • Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade $119
  • Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade 3 Pack $149 (For multiple family computers or SMB’s who don’t need Professional or Ultimate)
  • Windows 7 Professional Fresh-Install $199
  • Windows 7 Professional Upgrade $199
  • Windows 7 Professional Fresh-Install $299
  • Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade $219
  • Windows 7 Ultimate Fresh-Install $199
    (I will most likely use the Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate since they are so close. It makes more sense only having two editions, Home Premium and Ultimate. I will more likely use Professional since I am getting a discount on it for my next PC build if my next PC has a maximum of 16GB of RAM or higher if I activate. I can test it on an old PC if I don’t activate.)
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